Saturday, February 7, 2015

1 church, 26 days, 50,000 pieces of literature

Now how does one go about passing out 50,000 pieces of literature in 26 days? Quite a mammoth undertaking!

A few weeks ago, we started a Glow-a-thon here at All Nations SDA church. Instead of running 26 miles, as people do in a marathon, we are, as a church, passing out 25,000 glow and 25,000 flyers to the upcoming WiFi Connection Series during a span of 26 days.

It all started a few weeks ago. We had a "Fun and Folding" event for the church on Sabbath to which a good number of church members came. Over the course of 6-7 hours, we put stickers inviting people to the seminar on 25,000 GLOW. The next week, we had another "Fun and Folding" event when we folded 25,000 invitations into GLOW-shaped flyers. Then every Sunday, Wednesday, and Sabbath since then, we have gone out and placed them on doors and/or personally invited people to the series.

Please pray for us. We have a colossal pile of tracts still to distribute. But by the time we are done, every home in Monrovia, with few exceptions, will have received 1-3 flyers and GLOW by the time the series begins on February 20. In Monrovia there are only 14,000-15,000 homes, so there is no telling what great things God is doing and will be doing. Pray that the GLOW will lead people to seek after Him and that the flyers will lead people to the seminar. Please also pray that God will impress more people to join us in passing out the flyers. We need help, but we are confident that God is behind this effort. The results are His not ours. We only need to do our part.

Pictures of the Glow-a-thon will follow.

In regard to our publications, we are told to "scatter them like the leaves of autumn. This work is to continue without the forbiddings of anyone. Souls are perishing out of Christ. Let them be warned of His soon appearing in the clouds of heaven." {CM 25.1}  

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