Sunday, March 15, 2015

Answers to Prayers!

Working at All Nations Church has taught me a lot. From meeting church members to people in the community, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that I never would have though of. For example, all the preparation that goes into a special music, the time put into seamless programs, having the AV working properly, and even getting down details in decoration. Bible studies and seminars, getting the people you meet to come to the seminars, struggling with God's promises... All of this goes on behind the scenes when it comes to evangelism. 

I want to focus on answered prayers. Rewind back to before there were cross-trainers at All Nations.

Church members were actually praying for evangelism to get started at this church. A couple would go door-to-door and just pass out pamphlets. They weren't the only ones either. The pastor, a church member here, a church member there... They were all praying and waiting for evangelism to get revived. Donato rolls along, GLOW, practicum workers, and the seminars. You get the idea.

The conclusion of the matter is this. God answers prayers. If you want to get started on evangelism, start praying and God will lead you

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Ok, I'm going to keep this post brief and to the point. My Bible study contacts finally came to the seminars. When our evangelist David Fernandez made an appeal, even though it was their first time, he stood up and came to the front for baptism. The interesting thing is that the topic for that night was standards. It was very interesting to see them respond to an appeal for baptism with that in mind.

He wants to study more before getting baptized, but a decision is a decision.

Will You Decide?

There is great rejoicing in heaven and in our own hearts because people are making decisions for Jesus.

On Friday night, David made an appeal for baptism. You could feel the Spirit moving so deeply in the church. As I sang the song "Were It Not For Grace", I was so deeply moved by the depth of the song and seeing people choosing to publicly show that they were choosing Jesus that tears came to my eyes and I almost started to cry. Honestly no job compares to this! Seven people came forward. And yesterday there were three baptisms with more scheduled for the next week or two as well. Praise God!

Click on the following link to hear the song "Were It Not For Grace" It is not the best recording because it was recorded on an iPhone. But I pray that you will blessed. Please let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart as you listen.

Soon after Jesus had returned to heaven, the disciples had an attitude that I want to have in regards to saving souls. I pray that we may all have this same commitment and burden. "The disciples felt their spiritual need and cried to the Lord for the holy unction that was to fit them for the work of soul saving. They did not ask for a blessing for themselves merely. They were weighted with the burden of the salvation of souls. They realized that the gospel was to be carried to the world, and they claimed the power that Christ had promised." {AA 37.2}